• June General Membership Meeting

    Good Evening, Everyone,

    Welcome to our June General Membership meeting. Tonight is a very busy night at the club! Throughout the evening, we will be celebrating our newest scholarship winners, welcoming the new 2024 board members and bidding farewell to our outgoing board members from the 2023 board. Although it’s exciting to see new faces on the board, it’s bittersweet to say goodbye to those that did such a wonderful job for us, too.

    Right now, it’s time to tip our hats to the scholarship recipients, so let’s get started! First, Sheila Danehy will be presenting the William and Sharon McNamara Scholarship.

    Slainte and Sheila presented scholarships.

    Thank you, Nancy Smith and Sheila Danehy.

    As I mentioned earlier, along with saying goodbye to a few outgoing board members at the close of this meeting tonight, we will install the 2024 Executive Board. It’s a thrilling time of year, and I look forward to seeing Noeleen guide the club in new and exciting ways. I anticipate nothing but the absolute best from her leadership and in the years ahead.

    Personally, I have mixed emotions. I’m happy because I will have a lot more time to spend with my family, including a trip to Florida in a week. It’s also exciting to think about all the projects I can finally resurrect again from knitting a new aran sweater to researching my family’s Irish heritage. Yet it’s bittersweet, too. I’ve come to enjoy the many routines and obligations inherent in this role. Throughout it all, I’ve learned how helpful and supportive people can be when one is at their most vulnerable. Frankly, I’ve never done anything like this before and there’s a certain amount of fulfillment in the completion of it. So I thank you all for graciously accepting me as I learned how to navigate this role.

    Now its time for the Installation of the 2024 Board!

    And finally, before we adjourn, there are a few people I’d like to recognize for all the hard work they’ve given to IHSM over the years in their roles on the board. I’ve so appreciated all the hard work they’ve consistently put forth. The board and membership were lucky to be able to put our trust in these individuals. We were always able to count on them to do their very best.

    Erin Regnier, thank you so very much for the countless hours you’ve spent as our IHSM Treasurer. You’ve been honest and diligent throughout your tenure. We were so lucky to have found you and we appreciated your willingness to take the reigns in such an all consuming role. This is just a little thank you to remind you of all of us!

    Paula McGill, thank you for all the years you’ve given to the club as the IHSM Membership Chair. You have gone above and beyond your role to grow the membership. Thank you for your insights over the past few years, too. I think there’s no better message than this one to describe your efforts!

    David McGrew, you are such a hard worker but also a big teddy bear! I always counted on you especially when needing something researched. Above all, I appreciate your friendship but mostly I hope to someday beat you at trivia! I hope you will except this gift as a symbol of the light-hearted humor it represents.

    And, last, Patrick Cornelio, you have been on the Board for a number of years and have held quite a few roles for the IHSM. You’ve given your all in every position you’ve held and we couldn’t have asked for a more supportive and kindhearted person to be on our team. Thank you for your friendship and the countless hours you’ve spent serving our membership. This sash holds many of your roles from IHSM and is yours to keep!

    Amy Lacey