• January General Membership Meeting

    Oiche Maith a gach duine agus Cead Mile Failte Romhat. Good evening everyone and a hundred thousand welcomes.
    The holy season is upon us and the clubhouse has been buzzing with activity since the beginning of 2025.

    Even though our clubhouse is relatively small, we as members continue to use the space to build upon our mission which is to highlight our Irish culture. In one evening you can witness knitting, Irish dancing and Irish theatre all taking place at the same time with each activity allocated with ample space. It truly is a testament to our club’s commitment to highlight and sustain Irish culture within our community. Thank you again to all the various committees for working together to ensure that all activities have the time and space they require.
    Just to reiterate, we have a busy month ahead and the board would like to remind all members that guests must be signed in each time they come to the clubhouse unless the clubhouse is open to the public. The board wants each member to feel comfortable at the club but please clean up after yourself if you bring in food. Our clubhouse is completely run by volunteers who give us many hours to keep our surroundings clean and comfortable.

    Go raibh Mile maith agat (Thank You).
    President Noeleen Nelson