• Announcing the 2024-25 IHSM Board!

  • Executive Board:
    President – Noeleen Nelson
    Vice President – Ed Mead
    Secretary – Sheila Olcott
    Treasurer – Scott Willey

    Additional Board Members:
    Membership – David Fuller
    Parliamentarian – Sue Maxham
    Sargeant at Arms – Dana Garrow
    Senior Trustee – Jerry Hodges
    Second Year Trustee – Sheila Danehy
    First Year Trustee – Patti Shea
    Past President – Amy Lacey

  • Click to view the Biographies for the 2024 IHSM Board!

  • Description of the Roles of Board Members

    The officers of the Club shall be president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.

    Term of office: The term of office for all officers will begin on July first annually.
    The officers of the Club shall be president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. Term of office: The term of office for all officers will begin on July first annually. Succession: All officers, except treasurer, may be re-elected for only one succeeding term. The treasurer may be re-elected for no more than 4 additional consecutive terms, unless no other member accepts the nomination for the office.
    Duties of the officers:

    The president shall be the chief executive and chairman of the Board. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Club and the Board; shall be an ex-officio member of every committee; shall fill vacancies on the Board of Directors with the approval of the Board; shall appoint such Activities chairpersons or ad hoc committee chairpersons as are needed or appropriate, and shall have the authority to remove them, with Board approval; shall be empowered to co-sign Club checks; shall cooperate with all adopted recommendations of the audit committee; shall see to the writing of a monthly article for the Club publication/website, and such other articles as appropriate for the good of the Club; may conduct Board votes by poll, with a full report at the next Board of Directors meeting; shall call for nominations at the March and April membership meetings; shall submit a written year-end report to the Board of Directors at the May meeting of the Board.
    The vice-president shall, during the term of office, become familiar with the duties of the office of president. In the event of a vacancy in the office of president, the vice-president shall become the president. The vice-president; shall be empowered to co-sign Club checks; shall preside over meetings in the absence of the president.
    The secretary shall act as secretary at all meetings of the general membership and the Board of Directors; shall keep in permanent form record of all meetings of the general membership and the Board of Directors; shall read all voted resolutions at the general membership meetings; shall duplicate a copy of the minutes for distribution at the next Board meeting; shall have available at each general meeting, a copy of all minutes of all meetings from the previous twelve months; shall provide a listing of the current Board members with the dates of terms, to be available for members at any general meetings; shall conduct such correspondence as shall be authorized by the Board or requested by the president; shall review annually the certificate of incorporation with the Board and notify the Secretary of the State of Connecticut, and institute changes required for the State no later than October 1.
    The treasurer shall collect, receive, accurately record, and have charge of all dues and funds of the Club; shall deposit such funds in a bank or investment firm approved by the Board of Directors; shall have accounts audited at the end of the fiscal year in time for the Senior Trustee to submit the audit report by the November Board meeting and November general membership meeting; report the financial condition of the Club at monthly meetings of the general membership by means of a written financial report including all expenditures and income, with a copy available to any member, upon request, at the close of the meeting; shall pay all authorized obligations of the Club by check; shall chair the finance committee and present its proposed budget at the May Board meeting; shall provide annually a written income statement and a balance sheet to the general membership.
    Board OF directors (aka “Board”)
    A. The Board of Directors shall consist of the president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, and the immediate past president, as long as there is a former president willing and eligible to serve in such role; three trustees; parliamentarian; sergeant-at-arms; and membership chair.
    B. Duties of the Board of Directors. The Board shall: be vested with the charge of all properties and funds; perform all acts and functions consistent with the Bylaws of the Club; represent the Club between regular or special meetings of the membership. All business transacted by the Board in the interest of the Club shall be reported to the membership in the Board minutes and/or reports given at the general membership meetings.
    C. Non-officer Board members. Duties:

    Audit the fiscal year-end report of the treasurer, as part of the audit committee; the most senior trustee shall be a member of the finance committee; shall solicit biographical information from candidates and prepare for publication in the newsletter/website; shall conduct the election of officers and Directors at the May meeting of the general membership, by ballot; shall perform duties as associated with the office of a Board member.
    Shall interpret the Bylaws; supervise the parliamentary procedure at business meetings; shall furnish a copy of the Club Bylaws to all incoming Board members; shall have a copy of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised at all meetings; shall serve as chair of the Bylaw committee; and shall perform duties as associated with the office of a Board member.
    Shall prepare the meeting room and maintain order at meetings; shall perform duties associated with the office of a Board member. Shall preserve order and decorum at all meetings of the ihsm. He shall admit only members to the meeting place, unless otherwise instructed by the President, and shall remain on duty until all business of the meeting shall have been completed.
    Membership Chairperson
    Shall maintain a supply of membership forms approved by the Board; shall issue membership cards to new members; shall receive new member applications, and shall maintain a current list of member names, addresses, all pertinent telephone numbers, date of joining the Club and areas of service potential; shall provide the president with the current membership list during the months of June and December; shall provide Activities chairperson with a member name and telephone list, with an indication (coding) of service potential and date of joining the Club; shall perform duties associated with the office of a Board member.
    D. Meetings of the Board of Directors: The Board shall meet immediately prior to the business meeting of the members, unless changed by the Board; seven (7) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum at meetings of the Board; the Board meeting held during June is to include the current Board, plus newly elected Board members who will have no vote at those meetings.
    E. Terms of office for positions other than officers. All terms begin on July first.
    Three trustees shall be elected, one per year over three years, to serve a term of three years each. They may be re-elected to the office.
    Other Directors
    The positions of parliamentarian, sergeant-at-arms and membership chair shall be for a term of one year. With the exception of the membership chair, they may be re-elected to the same office for one (1) succeeding year. The membership chair may be re-elected for no more than 4 additional consecutive terms, unless no other member accepts the nomination for the office.